Machine Learning with Django logo ML with Django

What have you learned already:

What you will learn in this chapter:

Predictions view

Firstly, we will create the view for predictions that can accept POST requests with JSON data and forward it to the correct ML algorithm.

In backend/server/apps/endpoints/ we need to add the following code:

# please add imports
import json
from numpy.random import rand
from rest_framework import views, status
from rest_framework.response import Response
from import MLRegistry
from server.wsgi import registry

... the rest of the backend/server/apps/endpoints/ file ...

class PredictView(views.APIView):
    def post(self, request, endpoint_name, format=None):

        algorithm_status = self.request.query_params.get("status", "production")
        algorithm_version = self.request.query_params.get("version")

        algs = MLAlgorithm.objects.filter(parent_endpoint__name = endpoint_name, status__status = algorithm_status, status__active=True)

        if algorithm_version is not None:
            algs = algs.filter(version = algorithm_version)

        if len(algs) == 0:
            return Response(
                {"status": "Error", "message": "ML algorithm is not available"},
        if len(algs) != 1 and algorithm_status != "ab_testing":
            return Response(
                {"status": "Error", "message": "ML algorithm selection is ambiguous. Please specify algorithm version."},
        alg_index = 0
        if algorithm_status == "ab_testing":
            alg_index = 0 if rand() < 0.5 else 1

        algorithm_object = registry.endpoints[algs[alg_index].id]
        prediction = algorithm_object.compute_prediction(

        label = prediction["label"] if "label" in prediction else "error"
        ml_request = MLRequest(

        prediction["request_id"] =

        return Response(prediction)

Let’s add the URL for predictions. The file backend/server/apps/endpoints/ should look like below:

# file backend/server/apps/endpoints/

from django.conf.urls import url, include
from rest_framework.routers import DefaultRouter

from apps.endpoints.views import EndpointViewSet
from apps.endpoints.views import MLAlgorithmViewSet
from apps.endpoints.views import MLRequestViewSet
from apps.endpoints.views import PredictView # import PredictView

router = DefaultRouter(trailing_slash=False)
router.register(r"endpoints", EndpointViewSet, basename="endpoints")
router.register(r"mlalgorithms", MLAlgorithmViewSet, basename="mlalgorithms")
router.register(r"mlrequests", MLRequestViewSet, basename="mlrequests")

urlpatterns = [
    url(r"^api/v1/", include(router.urls)),
    # add predict url
        r"^api/v1/(?P<endpoint_name>.+)/predict$", PredictView.as_view(), name="predict"

OK, let’s go into details. The PredictView accepts only POST requests. It is available at:

The `endpoint_name` is defining the endpoint that we are trying to reach. In our case (in local development) the ML algorithm can be accessed at:


The `income_classifier` is the endpoint name (you can check endpoints at ``).

What is more, you can specify algorithm status or version in the URL. To specify status and version you need to include them in the URL, for example:


By default, there is a used `production` status.

Based on endpoint name, status and version there is routing of the request to correct ML algorithm. If the algorithm is selected properly, the JSON request is forwarded to the algorithm object and prediction is computed.

In the code there is also included code that is drawing algorithm in case A/B testing, we will go into details of this code in the next chapter.

To check if is it working please go to `` and provide example JSON input:

    "age": 37,
    "workclass": "Private",
    "fnlwgt": 34146,
    "education": "HS-grad",
    "education-num": 9,
    "marital-status": "Married-civ-spouse",
    "occupation": "Craft-repair",
    "relationship": "Husband",
    "race": "White",
    "sex": "Male",
    "capital-gain": 0,
    "capital-loss": 0,
    "hours-per-week": 68,
    "native-country": "United-States"

and click the POST button. You should see views like in images below.

Fill input data and click POST
Fill input data and click POST
Response of the ML algorithm
Response of the ML algorithm

Congratulations!!! If you see the result as on image above it means that your ML web service is working correctly.

Your response should look like this:

    "probability": 0.04,
    "label": "<=50K",
    "status": "OK",
    "request_id": 1

The response contains probability, label, status and request_id. The request_id can be used later to provide feedback and ML algorithms monitoring.

Add tests for PredictView

We will add a simple test case that will check if the predicted view correctly responds to correct data.

# file backend/server/endpoints/
from django.test import TestCase
from rest_framework.test import APIClient

class EndpointTests(TestCase):

    def test_predict_view(self):
        client = APIClient()
        input_data = {
            "age": 37,
            "workclass": "Private",
            "fnlwgt": 34146,
            "education": "HS-grad",
            "education-num": 9,
            "marital-status": "Married-civ-spouse",
            "occupation": "Craft-repair",
            "relationship": "Husband",
            "race": "White",
            "sex": "Male",
            "capital-gain": 0,
            "capital-loss": 0,
            "hours-per-week": 68,
            "native-country": "United-States"
        classifier_url = "/api/v1/income_classifier/predict"
        response =, input_data, format='json')
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
        self.assertEqual(["label"], "<=50K")
        self.assertTrue("request_id" in
        self.assertTrue("status" in

To run this test:

# please run in backend/server directory
python test apps.endpoints.tests

To run all tests:

# please run in backend/server directory
python test apps

Later more tests can be added, which will cover situations, where wrong endpoints are selected in the URL or data, is in the wrong format.

Add code to the repository

Before going to next chapter let’s add code to the repository:

git commit -am "add predict view"
git push

In the next chapter, we will work on the A/B testing of ML algorithms.

Next step: A/B testing